If I can't be there on time, I warn them about the possibility at least half an hour before. That's what the modern technology of instantaneous communication is for.
The same is true if I won't be able to make it at all, because if I don't relay the message to them, then they would have spent all that time waiting for me in vain.
This is especially true is you're part of a car pool. By being late you are putting several other people's schedule off track for the start of the day, maybe for the entire day.
Being late, especially chronic repeated behavior, despite how many times you apologize (if you're really sorry, you'd see to it that it doesn't happen again, right?) is a sign of disrespect to the people you are supposed to meet with, that you do not value their time.
It's best that students cultivate this behavior in school whether or not the teacher gives a bonus or a deduction for your attendance, because if you disregard this at work after graduation, it's your job that's on the line, and your excuses don't mean squat.
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