Friday, June 27, 2008

DLSC = Doing Last Second Commissions?

Why is it that people here (and I'm not just talking about students) LOVE putting off their work until not just the 11th hour, but the 59th minute and the 59th second?

If a teacher is not considered absent until after 30 minutes since the class started, he will show up at 8:29 am - after all, it's a 3 hour lab class, so they still have 2.5 hours to perform the experiment. In other words, finishing early is not as high a priority as not rushing the work.

If a policy of 10% per day deductions for last submissions are enforced, there will still be students who believe they can pass it ten days after the deadline, when only 10% of their efforts will be graded!

It's just so sad that there are still people who value "Hard work pays off eventually; procrastination pays off now" when it's so much easier to relax and have fun knowing you've done all of your work ahead of schedule and there's no "to do" list hanging over your head.

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