Usually even if I don't get to enter a safe house, I use my last AP to get inside any ruined building, making it just a bit more difficult for zombies to find me (am not visible in a 3x3 grid like humans who are outside), unless they do a house by house search which uses up AP. Then I'd log in again in a few hours just to use the handful of AP generated to get to safety.
So it wasn't surprising that after clawing at me in the street and I disappear, the player behind the zombie started looking for me inside the nearby buildings. It was just his luck and my misfortune that I was out of AP at that time.
When I logged in again an hour later (enough for me to get in the neighboring heavily barricaded building) I was dead.
Good news though: I did get all the zombie skills in one sweep, using my 1800+ XP.
Side note: the video still above is from the 1991 LA police brutality case on black suspect (mind you, not yet convicted) Rodney King on the street.
Foreshadowing of today's caveat to be careful what you do, because anyone can have a camera phone to capture the moment.
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