Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Recognizing No Higher Authority

"He who doesn't know how to pray isn't used to acknowledging Someone better and more powerful than himself."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Important Enough to Post Again

And by that I mean that I've written about this before, but it bears repeating.

It also means this is significant enough to break an almost three-month lapse of posting here, especially since I know I have new readers...

Anyway, got it from the plurk of a former teacher here, the science lab coordinator I replaced, in fact. Don't let the handle avert you; I wish I could be that self deprecating.


"boasting about your IQ is a total turn off"

"if it's high, you is mayabang"

"boasting about having a high IQ is an indication that it isn't as high as one thinks"

"boasting about high IQ = insecure"