Thursday, June 12, 2008

Harrison Ford and No Royalty for Rendition in Plastic Interlocking Pieces

I got the Lego video game for Indiana Jones the other day, and have been playing it two nights straight on the DS. That's the problem with these portable consoles. You can already be lying in bed sleepy, but it will still be in your hands and before you know it it's past midnight already.

I finished Raiders of the Lost Ark Tuesday night, and was done with the climactic battle of Temple of Doom last night.

Doesn't mean I'll chuck it if I finish all three movies (yup, no Crystal Skull - which may be a relief for some) in less than a week. It just means I unlocked all those areas, and I can replay them with different characters (just like I had Vader fight the Emperor in Lego Star Wars) collecting more and more plastic studs to buy the extras.

I wonder if there's invulnerability for a million studs like in Lego Star Wars

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